Apprentiship Blog

Written by Marc McIntosh Find him on github

Journey's end

18 December, 2018

My apprenticeship is over, just now it’s been a big relief not having to worry about how bad I am at self organising and literacy. There…

Yellow phase, Merge sort

17 December, 2018

This could be my last post, I find out tomorrow if I have improved enough to continue my apprenticeship at holidayCheck. So the first part…

Sorting algorithms and TFP in C

14 December, 2018

As mentioned yesterday the exercise form learn-c-the-hard-way was to write a couple of sorting algorithms. Unlike most of the previous…

Data structures, Double linked lists

13 December, 2018

Today’s exercise from learn-C-the-hard-way was to copy from the book, and test a program that created and modified double linked lists…

What makes a good test

11 December, 2018

That was the question i had for today, “what makes a good test”, my short response was “adds value and checks our assumptions”, so some of…

Is "Integrated tests are a scam", a bad title?

10 December, 2018

Moved learn-c-the-hard-way to public repository As mentioned last week that since I regularly mention talk about my progress with learn c…

Ticket refining && testing... mostly testing

07 December, 2018

Today started with refining/grooming tickets from my apprenticeship backlog into more descriptive and smaller tasks to do next week. There’s…

linking and refactoring

06 December, 2018

Most of todays activities where split between using the project template I wrote yesterday on today’s exercise from learn-c-the-hard-way…

Creative and Defensive programming by example.

05 December, 2018

Continuing from the post yesterday when I briefly touched on the concept of creative and defensive programming i thought it would be best to…

Reading & Obfuscated code

04 December, 2018

Not every thing is readable Today started differently than others as there was no morning kata, so instead I ended up reading a few articles…

Advent of code and ticket creation

03 December, 2018

Continuing from last Friday, project logfind has been completed. It took three attempts to get the core functionality working, first i…

Unit testing in C

30 November, 2018

A large amount of today was absorbed trying to figure out unit testing in C, unfortunately the first frame work I to used cmocka isn’t…

Katas and cake

28 November, 2018

Today started with the morning kata working in which we where asked to count the number of vowels in a string. The solution could be a one…

Meetings and more reading

27 November, 2018

Today started of different from other days, I attended a monthly morning breakfast meeting the CEO of holidayCheck holds for new…

Are TDD and TFP different?

26 November, 2018

I’m probably going to get this wrong. Both Test First Programming (TFP) and Test Dirven Development (TDD) start with writing a test. From…


23 November, 2018

The big learning for today was that test driven development (TDD) and test first programming (TFP) are not the same although may share some…

New RSS feed,

22 November, 2018

Jonas Bonér This morning instead of the daily kata, the apprenticeship team and myself watched Jonas Bonér’s talk ” Designing Events-first…

More mutations, bugs, and property interesting

21 November, 2018

The day started with a watching a video with the apprentice group, today’s video was about software craftsmanship by Sandro Mancuso https…

Debugging and Mutation testing

20 November, 2018

The first part of today was spent breaking a bubble sort program (written in c) so I could debug the program using zed’s debugging macros…

Red phase

19 November, 2018

First post, fourth blog and starting the half way through apprenticeship at HolidayCheck, and not doing as well as I ought to be. Red phase…